History of 'The Lutheran Hour'
On October 2, 1930, the first broadcast of The Lutheran Hour® radio program was aired, with Dr. Walter A. Maier as speaker. The Lutheran Laymen's League, which had formed thirteen years earlier as a financial support organization for the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, had a vision of spreading the Gospel message using the young technology of broadcast radio. For more than 90 years, the call of Christ has been carried around the world by radio waves to share the Good News.
Listed below are links to biographies of the men who served as speakers of this radio ministry.
Dr. Walter A. Maier
Speaker from 1930-1950
Listen to Sermons from Dr. Maier
Dr. Lawrence Acker
Speaker from 1950-1951
Listen to Sermons from Dr. Acker
Dr. Andrew Melendez
Spanish Lutheran Hour
Speaker from 1941-1972
Dr. Oswald C. J. Hoffmann
Speaker from 1955-1988
Listen to Sermons from Dr. Hoffmann
Rev. Wallace Schulz
Associate Speaker
from 1977-2002
Listen to Sermons from Rev. Schulz
Dr. Dale A. Meyer
Speaker from 1989-2001,
Interim Speaker from 2017-2018
Listen to Sermons from Dr. Meyer
Dr. Armin C. Oldsen
Speaker from 1951-1953
Listen to Sermons from Dr. Oldsen
Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus
Speaker from 2002-2010,
Interim Speaker from 2017-2018
Search our Archives for Sermons from Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus
Rev. Dr. Greg Seltz
Speaker from 2011-2017
Search our Archives for Sermons from Rev. Dr. Greg Seltz
Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
Speaker from 2018 - Present
Search our Archives for Sermons from Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
Click here to listen to historic broadcasts from our speakers